

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015


Which training courses would you like to have access to as a teacher?
The CEFIRE offer us a lot of variety of courses to do as a teacher. But I would like to have access to Joan Monet activities. The Jean Monnet programme aims at stimulating teaching, research, reflection and debate in the field of European integration studies and I think this is the best option to train. There are three types: teaching and research, support to Academic Institutions and Associations, and Policy debate with the Academic World.

Which is, in your opinion, the best way to share good practice amongst teaching professionals?
Teachers do not have enough time to create new resources each unit. One solution is to share the material with other mates who teach the same subject as you. You can use different ways to do it. The best one in my opinion is the “professional learnings community”. With this tool you can update, review and reflect on professional learning communities. The definition of it is:

“A professional learning community is one in which teachers update their professional knowledge and skills within the context of an organised, school-wide system for improving teaching practices. In addition, teachers’ effort, individually and collectively, are focused on the goal of improving student learning and achievement and making the school as a whole become a high-performing organisation”. 

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